01 Us

We visit many different coffee origins all around the world to buy coffee.
We always roast coffee carefully and sell it fresh.
We connect coffee producers with customers.
Yes. We are crazy about coffee.

02 Mission

We are developing technical skills and delivering sensorial euphoria to people who come across coffee through the course of events.
We express specific hopes and materialistic gratitude to the farmers who grow the coffee. Life is too short not to cherish and enjoy it.

  • Esthetic
    One Buddhist leader recalled that it was difficult for him to let go of his mind of beauty until the end.
    This place is the world of Sabah. Thus it isn't significant if it is not beautiful for us.
  • Technical
    There was a time when art and technology were not semantically separated.
    Why not, now? Wouldn’t the technical zenith with coffee be beautiful? Let’s go.
    Now, one step.
  • Relational
    Besides that, Robinson Crusoe also had Friday.
    Our coffee lies on a net of dense and long-running relationships.
    On one side, a farmer’s hand picks coffee cherries, and on the other side, a person holding a coffee cup,
    we will always think of them and head there.
    “The wind is toward you.”